Managerial Stacking

Where can you find the best-of-the-best in America today? In the ivory towers of Corporate America? Not anymore.

They’re at the gym, of course. And at the gym, it only takes a few seconds to find the best-of-the best-of-the-best within this already elite group. These are the men and women with seemingly super-natural physiques and they are clearly the best human beings that can be found anywhere. We are of course talking about bodybuilders.

Before you think this is judgmental read on. These bodybuilders are really no different than us except for one thing: a secret hack they have uncovered.

How do they become this amazing? Are they just better than everyone else? Can I look like them someday?

Attempting to answer these types of questions reveals many interesting discoveries. It turns out the Best-Of-The-Best-OF-THE-BEST!™ posses a super power available to everyone if they only looked. While these elite physical specimens are focused, driven, and appear better than everyone else; they became superior using the power of stacking!

Stacking is defined as the combining of 2 or more mutually beneficial behaviors with the aim of accelerating results. Stacking supercharges progress exponentially by applying multiple synergistic anabolic variables at the same time. For bodybuilders, this involves the combining of items such as curls and protein gorging, sprinting and posing, squats and UV teeth whitening. Delt-work and plucking steroid induced excessive hirsuitism.

While the bodybuilding-oriented deep dive answers are best left for a different audience, there is a direct application of this hack for first and second line managers. Yes, it’s time for middle management to flex is collective managerial muscle.

As it turns out, if you start stacking as a manager, you’ll get jacked quicker. Compared to your peers, you’ll be the guy in corner, metaphorically oiled up and almost literally dripping with confidence.

Like with bodybuilding, managerial stacking is a well-researched and results-engineered method where you can NOT just combine 2 random items from your managerial toolbox and bolt them together. Not so fast, Frankenstein!

While reviewing the full literature on this topic is recommend, the cheat-sheet below is all that’s needed to understand which pairings will get you “jacked” the most quickly. As you well know, employees want and need both the carrot and the stick. The pairings below blend these 2 philosophies in a delicate yet effective manner delivering big gains along the way.

1) Hand-holding & blame-gaming:
With a new employee, bringing them up to speed can be difficult and time-consuming. It can also be the exact reason why the team is falling behind. These are delicate topics alone but combined, they have a comforting effect on the “newby”. Suggested phrases:
“It is ok and expected that you are behind on this one. I’ll bring this blizzard down on someone else so that you can land gently like a delicate little snowflake”

2) Team inclusion and peer-pressure:
Occasionally omit a team member from a meeting while assigning a project where pairing up with another teammate is required. Nothing motivates a true team player like being put into the game without knowing the rules. This will foster a spirit of teamwork that can rarely be achieved otherwise.

3) Passive-aggressive thought leadership and empathy:

This is an advanced topic for experienced managers only and may best be shown through an example;
Manager: “I thought you did really great job. I also noticed the rest of the team also did a great job in filling the holes, gaps, and larger areas that must still be beyond your reach. I understand and will be right by your side as you try to bootstrap your competency up to the expected levels. If one of us fails, we all fail”

4) Attention and motivation:

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a touch is worth a thousand verbal complements. While inspiring a dejected employee to get to the next-level, a well-placed caress helps to nestle those ideas right next to the other values an employee holds dear. Important note; because every employee has different likes, dislikes, physical boundaries and statutes of limitation, it is imperative that you respect those boundaries by spending time with each employee to find those lines which should not be crossed. And only by crossing them will you truly know where they are. Just remember, if it’s okay for the President of the United State, it’s good enough for you.

In closing, research shows the glaringly obvious: your employees are looking around to find their bodybuilder. It is time for you to step up, start stacking, and become their glistening hero flexing in their corner.