There you are, your managerial 6-pack glistening under the glorious florescent lights overhead. Your leadership biceps pumped from lifting the morale of everyone around you. You wonder, how can you further apply everything you’ve learned about Managerial Stacking.
Welcome to Stacking 2.0! A clever manager can achieve accelerated results by using the secrets of stacking applied to creative internal outsourcing: simply stack with auxiliary internal staff and drive-up TMT. For example, in your next meeting, which if you have fully embraced meetings as product should be any moment, throw a lateral (Pro-Tip: football analogies are always appreciated by every employee due to their universal inclusivity). Ask someone from compliance, marketing, etc., to join an on-going, regularly scheduled meeting. At this new meeting, execute a hand off to support and give them issue to resolve, but in such a way they need to go sideways with the matter. Unlike football, where there is only a single ball on the field, you can throw two or more simultaneous passes sending inquiries to both legal and sales who then have to huddle with their own teams. Of course, this leads to a stacking multiplier as those auxiliary department meet, and they may engage other departments or even outside consultants. Your name will be heralded throughout the halls as a real go-getter. Win-win-win-win-win. Think that’s enough winning? Not for a managerial Charles Atlas like yourself.
At this point if you have realized that Stacking 2.0 is all about having other people do your work for you, then move to the front of the class and show all the other managers your glistening managerial pecs. You are the superstar.
Other excellent strategies that allow you to flex for everyone include new product introductions. Ask sales and marketing to prepare slides. If you’re in sales or marketing be sure to outsource your presentation to engineering. You must never simply take credit for some one else’s work. Instead take the relevant slides, copy them into your presentation then call out what was wrong. That’s like having the other team score an own goa;, and you get the credit. So crack out the Speedo and be prepared to strut your stuff!
Are you ready to kick some serious sand into the faces of the 98 pound weaklings around you without moving a, self-admiringly well developed, business muscle? Repeat the following phrase like a mantra: cross-functional interdisciplinary meta-analysis. Do you like big data? Of course you do! Does it matter if you don’t know what it is? Of course not! Why? Because your creatively outsourced internal contractors know what it is and are they ready to give it to you.