Proof of Life
The hardest lessons to learn are often the most important. In business, apathy comes easily and often. True leadership is hard, as are the lessons which separate the…
4 min read
Bigfoot is Real
People frequently speak about “the elephant in the room”. A metaphor for issues that everyone knows exist, but refuse to acknowledge. Collective denial allows people to work around…
4 min read
Employee Retention
Thanks to the Triangle Shirtwaist fire employee retention has moved beyond just chaining the emergency exists closed. Plus, chains and padlocks cost money. Why waste precious capital when…
4 min read
Famed baseball coach Yogi Berra once said “100% of inspiration is 90% perspiration.” Yogi Berra didn’t actually say that, but it sure sounds like something he would say.…
4 min read
No I in Team
As the old saying goes “There is no ‘I’ in team”, but that’s just an old cliche dragged out to remind people not to be too full of…
4 min read
Such Sweet Sorrow
Saying goodbye to a trusted colleague and work friend can be a difficult time. It may be the hardest thing most employees will face during their entire working…
4 min read