Stacking 2.0
There you are, your managerial 6-pack glistening under the glorious florescent lights overhead. Your leadership biceps pumped from lifting the morale of everyone around you. You wonder, how…
4 min read
So this is “goodbye”
One of the exercises each student at the International College of Businessery and Managering is required to complete before graduation is to write a “goodbye” letter. Something heart…
4 min read
The Death of the 80/20 rule (part 2)
In case you missed it, the 80/20 rule is dead and the reasons are simple: Employees started gaming the 80/20 rule and helped make it obsolete. Like disco,…
4 min read
The Death of the 80/20 Rule (part 1)
As I was taking the elevator to the 85th floor yesterday I overheard two CFO-type executives talking about how so-and-so was no longer on the favorable side of…
4 min read
Meeting-nomics: Supply and Demand
Established economic theory states that as the supply of something increases the price (value) of that thing will fall. Similarly if the demand for a thing increases without…
4 min read
The Truth & Lindbergh’s Baby
The truth is too important to be tethered to just the facts as we know them. Truth is very much like faith, you must see the Divine before…
4 min read