100 Years Down the Drain.
Fred and I do most of our writing and blogging in a quiet, removed part of our corporate offices affectionately named ‘The Loft’. Imagine a 1200 square foot…
4 min read
When Failure is THE Option
NASA is famous, or infamous, for the saying “failure is not an option.” Few things could be further from the truth, failure is always an option. Frequently it…
4 min read
Man-ager in the Middle
Middle managers get a bad rap; some say they add overhead, create uneeded bureaucracy, slow down organizations and add expense. Some so called “lean and mean” corporations are…
4 min read
Message to the C-Suite
Everything you’re doing is great! Every personnel decision you’ve made since you reached the top has been perfect. As long as you have the “C” in front of…
4 min read
Some rules can’t be broken, like the speed of light. As much as the executives might want you to, you’re just not going faster than 186,000 miles per…
4 min read
Captain Corn Pop
################################################ International College of Businessery and Managering OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASECOURTESY: REUTERS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE For immediate release: Wednesday 18:00 EST ################################################ Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am Dr. Fred…
4 min read