Message to the C-Suite

Everything you’re doing is great! Every personnel decision you’ve made since you reached the top has been perfect. As long as you have the “C” in front of your title, so will be every decision going forward.*

*Note to the reader: At ICBM we occasionally use sarcasm to make a point, but not in this case. We promise we’re not being sarcastic at all.**


ICBM is announcing a new course for the Modern Executive

Let them eat cake on the cheap: a study of historical management gaffes and how to apply modern just-in-time LEAN 6-Sigma Agile psychosocial strategies to increase efficiency, maximize cross-functional synergies and reduce labor expenses while raising executive bonuses.

The syllabus includes:

  • Employee motivation tips from Marie Antoinette
  • Leadership lessons of Jim Jones
  • Why the Kobyashi-Maru simulation is for wusses
  • Staffing the Idi Amin way
  • Full speed ahead, lessons from the Titanic’s bridge and why the iceberg is all in your head
  • Special Guest Lecturer – Elizabeth Holmes