Tag: Satire

  • Inflation or WINflation?!

    Inflation or WINflation?!

    Economic inflation is running at the highest level in over a generation, but should this concern you as a manager? YES, most definitely. Ignore inflation and you might be ignoring the greatest motivational tool of a lifetime. A typical definition of inflation is when too much money is chasing too few goods causing prices to…

  • Shhh! I am trying to Quiet-Quit Over here

    Contrary to what you might expect, here at ICBM, we are actually fans of Quiet-Quitting. This relatively new phenomenon is causing quite a stir in the corporate world. Once the dust settles, it will become evident that Quiet-Quitting is the inevitable response to several passive-aggressive practices which have been in use by managers for years.…

  • Quiet-Quitters? It’s Time to Make Some Noise!

    Unless you’re a manager that’s been living under a rock for the last year you must have read the headlines about Quiet-Quitting. In a nutshell, Quiet-Quitting is a passive-aggressive attempt by employees to reduce their workload in response to a perceived slight by management. If you pay attention to business media you would think QQ…

  • Ship-Ing?

    Webster defines leadership as: (noun) a position as a leader of a group, when a person holds the position of leader, or the power or ability to lead other people. Read that definition again and notice that “leadership” is defined as a noun. Nouns are, if School House Rock is to be believed (and it…

  • Alumni Mailbag – Volume 1

    At the International College of Businessry and Managering we like to keep in touch with our alumni and like to share our correspondence when we feel it will be helpful, instructive or inspiring to others. Here is an example that we believe is all three. Dear ICBM: I recently terminated my employment by a large…

  • The Kum-By-Yah Factory – Part 1

    In answering the question “how do we best cultivate healthy, productive employees?” – it turns out science answered this question for us nearly 80 years ago. Dust off your psychology textbook and open your eyes. On the topic of employee motivation, Abraham Maslow has something important to say, and I suggest you listen closely. Of…

  • The Kum-By-Yah Factory – Part 2

    Ok – lets recap. Mazlow’s hierarchy can be a useful and didactic tool for helping us reach our personal psychological potential. For personal growth, the pyramid has been a great success. Climb away. Applying the pyramid to business however has yielded a different set of results. In applying it to business: Mazlow tried. Mazlow failed.…

  • Captain Corn Pop

    ################################################ International College of Businessery and Managering OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASECOURTESY: REUTERS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE For immediate release: Wednesday 18:00 EST ################################################ Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am Dr. Fred P. Frederickson, Chief Content Officer and Co-founder here at the International College of Businessery and Managering on 1105 West 83rd Avenue. I sincerely wish we were all…

  • Message to the C-Suite

    Everything you’re doing is great! Every personnel decision you’ve made since you reached the top has been perfect. As long as you have the “C” in front of your title, so will be every decision going forward.* *Note to the reader: At ICBM we occasionally use sarcasm to make a point, but not in this…

  • 100 Years Down the Drain.

    Fred and I do most of our writing and blogging in a quiet, removed part of our corporate offices affectionately named ‘The Loft’. Imagine a 1200 square foot singular creative space with admittedly too much Lovesac and not quite enough pendant lighting. The overlapping throw rugs and light jazz gently oozes a calm vibe from…