Tag: employee motivation
Employee Morale: It’s not your problem
Many managers think that low employee morale is a problem, or even worse they think it’s their problem. That’s NOT just wrong thinking, it is wrong leadership. Low morale is not a problem, it’s a gift; and a gift that should be shared amongst the entire team. Low morale may actually be the greatest gift… Read more
Managerial Stacking
Where can you find the best-of-the-best in America today? In the ivory towers of Corporate America? Not anymore. They’re at the gym, of course. And at the gym, it only takes a few seconds to find the best-of-the best-of-the-best within this already elite group. These are the men and women with seemingly super-natural physiques and… Read more
Employee Retention
Thanks to the Triangle Shirtwaist fire employee retention has moved beyond just chaining the emergency exists closed. Plus, chains and padlocks cost money. Why waste precious capital when there are so many free strategies available. Read on to discover how you can get your employees to chain themselves to their desks for almost nothing but… Read more
Famed baseball coach Yogi Berra once said “100% of inspiration is 90% perspiration.” Yogi Berra didn’t actually say that, but it sure sounds like something he would say. And you can too. Confused? Of course you are. That’s because everything you’ve ever learned about inspiring people is wrong. Your team looks up to you, not… Read more
No I in Team
As the old saying goes “There is no ‘I’ in team”, but that’s just an old cliche dragged out to remind people not to be too full of themselves, right? Why then, would Frederick E. “Fredly” Frederickson, Professor of Leadering and Manageristical Arts trot out that old saw? Because there is truth that must be… Read more
The Death of the 80/20 Rule (part 1)
As I was taking the elevator to the 85th floor yesterday I overheard two CFO-type executives talking about how so-and-so was no longer on the favorable side of the 80/20 rule. “He’s not part of the 20% doing the lion’s share of the work anymore” the younger of the two gentlemen offered. Across the executive… Read more
The Truth & Lindbergh’s Baby
The truth is too important to be tethered to just the facts as we know them. Truth is very much like faith, you must see the Divine before it appears. As the story goes: Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. was the child of famous aviator Charles “Lucky Lindy” Lindbergh. “Little Lindy”, as he was called, was… Read more
Cultural Sensitivity
Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you are aware “Cultural Sensitivity” is a hot topic in the business world. Perhaps you’ve even had to attend classes, or in the COVID world of 2020, 2021 and beyond, more likely watched a video performed by the Corporate Compliance Playhouse Players. While those training classes serve… Read more
Webster defines leadership as: (noun) a position as a leader of a group, when a person holds the position of leader, or the power or ability to lead other people. Read that definition again and notice that “leadership” is defined as a noun. Nouns are, if School House Rock is to be believed (and it… Read more
Back, to the Office
It’s 2022, all your staff is vaccinated for, immunized against or apathetic about COVID and it’s many many variants. Do you know what that means? It means it time to round up all those work from home slackers and herd them back to the office. Unfortunately because it is no longer legal to round up… Read more