How do you best tell an employee that they have value? As a manager that may be the single most important question you can ask, but fortunately the answer is easy: reward them! While the how is easy, the what is not obvious.
Just walking up and saying “good job” isn’t enough in today’s world. Words can seem hollow and meaningless. As a manger you want to do more, you need to do more, but what more can you do? You can’t just tell them you need them, you need to help them show themselves their true value. So use the most important currency at your disposal. Money? Impersonal and soulless. Stock? Just think of the taxes. No, you as the alpha manager have to give something beyond the physical or tangible. What does everyone have in limited supply and that once spent can never be replaced? Time!
YOU, above all others, must understand the value of time and show that understanding by using time to reward your hardworking dedicated employees!
As the saying goes “Actions speak louder than words”. So act and act boldly. Imagine one of your employees, and be clear they are yours and yours alone, appears to not feel valued. Wait until the perfect time to approach them, usually when they are beginning to pack up for the day and head home. Don’t let them leave the office disillusioned about how much they mean to you. Start by telling your employee that you appreciate them and recognize their contributions, acknowledge their talents and understand their unique skills. Mention that you have a special project perfectly suited for them. Emphasize this project is critical to the company’s success and that only they could accomplish it.
It’s then, when you have their interest peaked that you give them the gift that only you can give. Hand them the task, say it’s due as soon as possible, then walk away secure in the knowledge they understand their true value.
They’ll know how much they mean when they realize that you think their work is more important than an anniversary dinner, a dance recital or even grandmother’s funeral. By handing them work at the last possible moment you’ve spoken volumes that could never be expressed in words. It says “Hey you. I bet you don’t realize how much you mean to me. Maybe you’ll finally get it when you’re sitting in the office at 9 o’clock tonight.”
What if you don’t have a “mission critical” task that arises at the last minute? Not a problem, neither the actual task or the time it arises is important because you must always wait until the time is right. Take the bold action of showing employees you understand this job is more important than anything else they could be doing by forcing them to choose between employment and their so called “life” at the last minute.
Making them work nights and weekends for weeks on end with little to show for it will only underscore how much they matter to you. But like any recognition or praise it will eventually become almost routine so mix it up and keep it fresh. Combining after hours work with meetings will simultaneously increase TMT and show everyone how much you care.
Showing employees that their contribution to the company is more than important than friends, family, sleep or death is the hallmark of a real manager.