Tag: morale

  • The Unbreakable Truth: Iron Does Indeed Sharpen Iron

    In a world teeming with sharp opinions and pointed metaphors, there is one adage that stands as unyielding as a freshly forged blade: “Iron sharpens iron.” Buckle up, dear readers, as we embark on a journey, cutting down to the undeniable truth that this proverb, both literal and metaphorical, is no mere clanging of words—it’s…

  • Does Iron Sharpen Iron?

    While attending a cocktail reception hosted by a local business incubator I overheard the founder of a startup repeat the saying “Iron Sharpens Iron”. This was the third time that week I was presented with the that old trope. Following the theory that once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times is…

  • From SLOMO to FOGHO: Unleashing the Power of Enthusiasm

    In the dynamic realm of business, the attitudes and approaches of individuals play a crucial role in determining success. Introducing FOGHO, an acronym derived from “Full On, Gung – HO,” which symbolizes an infectious level of enthusiasm and unwavering dedication to the mission. On the flip side, we have SLOMOs, the employees who seem to…

  • The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

    Deconstructing American sayings is admittedly one of my favorite past times. Our Americanized English offers some very colorful sayings which give our dialect a lot of historically referenced character. Often, the more interesting American sayings can also have deep roots in prehistoric Americana. Today’s saying is one that goes back more than 5,000 years. Here…

  • Shhh! I am trying to Quiet-Quit Over here

    Contrary to what you might expect, here at ICBM, we are actually fans of Quiet-Quitting. This relatively new phenomenon is causing quite a stir in the corporate world. Once the dust settles, it will become evident that Quiet-Quitting is the inevitable response to several passive-aggressive practices which have been in use by managers for years.…

  • Quiet-Quitters? It’s Time to Make Some Noise!

    Unless you’re a manager that’s been living under a rock for the last year you must have read the headlines about Quiet-Quitting. In a nutshell, Quiet-Quitting is a passive-aggressive attempt by employees to reduce their workload in response to a perceived slight by management. If you pay attention to business media you would think QQ…

  • Inspiration!

    Famed baseball coach Yogi Berra once said “100% of inspiration is 90% perspiration.” Yogi Berra didn’t actually say that, but it sure sounds like something he would say. And you can too. Confused? Of course you are. That’s because everything you’ve ever learned about inspiring people is wrong. Your team looks up to you, not…

  • Employee Retention

    Thanks to the Triangle Shirtwaist fire employee retention has moved beyond just chaining the emergency exists closed. Plus, chains and padlocks cost money. Why waste precious capital when there are so many free strategies available. Read on to discover how you can get your employees to chain themselves to their desks for almost nothing but…

  • Bigfoot is Real

    People frequently speak about “the elephant in the room”. A metaphor for issues that everyone knows exist, but refuse to acknowledge. Collective denial allows people to work around the elephant; ignoring the ear shattering trumpet calls, happily stepping in enormous piles of elephant dung, and eagerly inhaling the tangy aroma of vast pools of urine.…

  • Proof of Life

    The hardest lessons to learn are often the most important. In business, apathy comes easily and often. True leadership is hard, as are the lessons which separate the managerial wheat from the chaff. Managers who have come this far are no doubt adequate. Maybe even good. But…as a manager:Are you willing to take that extra step…