Category: International College of Businessry and Managering
Message to the C-Suite
Everything you’re doing is great! Every personnel decision you’ve made since you reached the top has been perfect. As long as you have the “C” in front of your title, so will be every decision going forward.* *Note to the reader: At ICBM we occasionally use sarcasm to make a point, but not in this… Read more
The F*#% You Say
There is great power in profanity. The power to shock. The power to describe. The power to motivate. The power to entertain. Even the power of release as celebrated American author Mark Twain remarked “profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.” Damn right it does. But beyond all that, there is also the power… Read more
Captain Corn Pop
################################################ International College of Businessery and Managering OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASECOURTESY: REUTERS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE For immediate release: Wednesday 18:00 EST ################################################ Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am Dr. Fred P. Frederickson, Chief Content Officer and Co-founder here at the International College of Businessery and Managering on 1105 West 83rd Avenue. I sincerely wish we were all… Read more
Some rules can’t be broken, like the speed of light. As much as the executives might want you to, you’re just not going faster than 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kph outside the United States). Some rules should never be broken, like ignoring attendance at a mandatory meeting, and really aren’t they all mandatory? Yes,… Read more
Term Limits
We at the International College of Businessry and Managering, as a policy, practice and peccadillo, express no political views. But as the world’s leading experts in organizational structure optimization we have recently completed an in-depth analysis and determined that every political party across the globe is, as one our Senior Fellows put it, “full of… Read more
The Kum-By-Yah Factory – Part 2
Ok – lets recap. Mazlow’s hierarchy can be a useful and didactic tool for helping us reach our personal psychological potential. For personal growth, the pyramid has been a great success. Climb away. Applying the pyramid to business however has yielded a different set of results. In applying it to business: Mazlow tried. Mazlow failed.… Read more
Cultural Sensitivity
Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you are aware “Cultural Sensitivity” is a hot topic in the business world. Perhaps you’ve even had to attend classes, or in the COVID world of 2020, 2021 and beyond, more likely watched a video performed by the Corporate Compliance Playhouse Players. While those training classes serve… Read more
Bad Santa meets Tony Robbins
Once again holiday time is here and I have to admit that after a few gulps my glass of eggnog is now only half full. It’s also spiked with a little “holiday cheer”. Here at ICBM, we have been expecting new accounting software which is now 3 months late to arrive. Meant to streamline our… Read more
The Kum-By-Yah Factory – Part 1
In answering the question “how do we best cultivate healthy, productive employees?” – it turns out science answered this question for us nearly 80 years ago. Dust off your psychology textbook and open your eyes. On the topic of employee motivation, Abraham Maslow has something important to say, and I suggest you listen closely. Of… Read more
Conflict of Interest
Negotiating can be the scariest part of a manager’s job. Because it is a tool used infrequently, it rarely gets enough time at the business end of a grinding wheel. But properly honed, the skill of negotiating can effortlessly be sharpened into a sword, plowshare, or dagger. By some, the art of negotiation has been… Read more